FAI has received the following Class R (Microlights) World record claim:
Course/location : Hatvan (Hungary)
Performance : 120 km
Pilot : Edina Sz. KOLESZÁR ()
Paramotor : ITV Lapoon powered by Parapower Solo210
Date :14.07.2009
Claim number : 15507
Sub-class :RPF1Tm (Microlights : Paraglider Control / Foot-launched /
Flown with one person / Thermal Engine / Male category)
Type of record : Distance in a closed circuit with limited fuel
Current record : 102.1 km (27.01.2008 - David ROTUREAU, France)
Claim number : 15508
Sub-class :RPF1Tf (Microlights : Paraglider Control / Foot-launched /
Flown with one person / Thermal Engine / Feminine category)
Type of record : Distance over a closed circuit without landing
Current record : no record set yet
Claim number : 15509
Sub-class :RPF1Tf (Microlights : Paraglider Control / Foot-launched /
Flown with one person / Thermal Engine / Feminine category)
Type of record : Distance in a closed circuit with limited fuel
Current record : no record set yet
The details shown above are provisional. When all the evidence required
has been received and checked, the exact figures will be established and
the record ratified (if appropriate).